We had a broody hen that was sitting on eggs. We don't have a rooster so Trey got some fertile eggs from Dad M. for her to hatch. For some reason I just didn't expect them to hatch.
Several weeks had gone by and I had all but forgotten about the broody hen. I opened the door to her private suite to give her fresh water and was greeted by these precious little chicks!

What a pleasant surprise!

Mama hen clucked at me in a warning tone and I knew better than to try to hold one, even though my fingers were itching to snatch one up.
I have hatched chicks in an incubator many times, which is great fun, but it was the first time ever that I remember hatching eggs under a hen. It was such a fun and exciting experience! I can't wait to do it again sometime!
So sweet! I love baby chicks!