
Friday, November 16, 2012

A Gift for Baby Moriah...

I love to crochet or do anything creative with my hands!

 I have not been blessed with children yet, therefore the only opportunity that I have to make cute little things for children is either to sell (which I do and love) or for my brothers and sisters/nieces and nephews (which I must say I love even more!). I do my best to refrain from flooding their houses with things from the well meaning Aunt/Sister Clair. I try to choose practical things to make, but when there are children involved the fun possibilities are endless! 

Before Moriah was born and we still did not know whether she was a boy or girl I had a project all picked out for the perfect gift! A baby sleep sack or 'cocoon', as I prefer to call them. They are simply adorable and seem so useful! You never have to worry about those cute little toes getting cold!

 I considered crocheting one with neutral colors that would work for a boy or girl, but decided to wait until the baby was born. The day Moriah was born I bought some lovely pink and contrasting sage green yarn. I couldn't wait to begin making the cocoon! I chose a lovely basket weave pattern with a matching hat and set to work!

It has now been done for quite some time, awaiting the next opportunity that we had to see Moriah.

Yesterday evening Ryan, Amanda, Justus and Moriah made a quick trip down to see us all!
We enjoyed spending time together as a family. We couldn't believe how Miss Moriah had grown and changed so much already! She is now two weeks and two days old!

Without the hat,


With the hat!

What a big yawn!
We hope her cozy little cocoon keeps her warm throughout the coming Winter months!


  1. Awwwww.... so sweet! You did a great job, both things are adorable!

  2. Moriah looked simply adorable in the lovely piece of art that you created.

  3. Oh I just love it!! Great job Clair :)
