
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Gospel According to Scrooge...

Last Sunday Trey took us to see The Gospel According to Scrooge, performed by the The Music and Drama Ministries of Marion's First Baptist Church, and staged at the Marion Cultural and Civic Center. It was a musical based on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

 With a cast and crew of over a hundred, it was truly spectacular! The costumes were lavishly colorful and the scenery was outstanding! Especially the moon that rose each "night". It was all so convincing that we felt like we were in the midst of it all! The music selections were far from hum-drum,  and there were 14 different songs! We both laughed, cheered and even cried! 

Scrooge visiting his Past and seeing himself as a child once more .

Christmas Past as he celebrated with Bell.

Bob and Martha Cratchit Celebrating Christmas Present.

Scrooge cowering before the Spirit of Christmas to come...

The townspeople celebrating the death of Scrooge in Christmas to come.

Scrooge viewing his own grave in Christmas to come.

Scrooge finally sees the error of his ways and has a change of heart.

Scrooge, Tiny Tim, and the townspeople finally able to celebrate together!

All of the cast together.

Afterward we had the chance to meet the cast! The room was filled with voices calling "Merry Christmas!" to one another and we left feeling encouraged.

Scrooge and I!

Sadly, this is the last year they will be performing The Gospel According to Scrooge, but we are looking forward to next year's performance of It's a Wonderful Life!